50m² sous les toits
Les espaces sous les toits possèdent un charme particulier que leur confère la forme du plafond, et les surfaces exploitables sous pente. Voici encore un bel exemple d'exploitation à la suédoise d'un appartement de 50m² photographié par Janne Olander pour Stadshem.
50m² under the roof
The spaces in the attic have a particular charm that conferred on them by the form of the ceiling, and usable surfaces under roof . Here is another fine example of the Swedish exploitation of a 50m² apartment photographed by Janne Olander for Stadshem.
50m² under the roof
The spaces in the attic have a particular charm that conferred on them by the form of the ceiling, and usable surfaces under roof . Here is another fine example of the Swedish exploitation of a 50m² apartment photographed by Janne Olander for Stadshem.