Feuilles d'or en automne
En ces mois d'automne, cette maison suédoise entourée d'arbres est posée comme dans son écrin doré. En regardant dans le jardin, on découvre une très jolie maison pour les invités d'un doux bleu pâle typiquement scandinave. Quoiqu'il me fasse penser également au fameux bleu de Lectoure vraiment français celui là.
Golden leaves in autumn
In the autumn months, this Swedish house surrounded by trees is posed as in its golden casket. Looking into the garden, we find a very nice house for guests with a soft light blue typically Scandinavian. Whatever makes me also think about the famous Lectoure blue really French, this one.
source : Stadshem
Golden leaves in autumn
In the autumn months, this Swedish house surrounded by trees is posed as in its golden casket. Looking into the garden, we find a very nice house for guests with a soft light blue typically Scandinavian. Whatever makes me also think about the famous Lectoure blue really French, this one.
source : Stadshem