Un appartement au charme fifties conservé
A Göteborg, ce trois pièces de 73 m² se situe dans un immeuble des années 50, et a conservé le charme vintage de son origine, tout en se modernisant avec une prépondérance du blanc pour toutes les pièces.
An apartment to the preserved fifties charm
In Gothenburg, the three rooms apartment of 73 m² is located in a building of the 50's, and has retained its original vintage charm while modernizing with a preponderance of white for all rooms.
source : Stadshem
An apartment to the preserved fifties charm
In Gothenburg, the three rooms apartment of 73 m² is located in a building of the 50's, and has retained its original vintage charm while modernizing with a preponderance of white for all rooms.
source : Stadshem