Du rotin et des tons naturels
Basé à San Francisco, Jute home est un studio de design intérieur qui donne à la nature ses lettres de noblesse. Son credo? Créer des intérieurs sans chichis et sans fouillis, parfaitement adaptés à la vie de ses clients, en utilisant comme ici, les matériaux naturels comme ici le rotin et les fibres tressées dans un environnement sans agressivité aux couleurs naturelles.
Based in San Francisco, Jute home is an interior design studio that gives to nature its letters pattent of nobility. His credo? Create interiors without fuss or clutter, perfectly adapted to its customers' lives, using as here, natural materials such as rattan and braided fibers in an environment without aggression to the natural colors.
Rattan and natural tones
Based in San Francisco, Jute home is an interior design studio that gives to nature its letters pattent of nobility. His credo? Create interiors without fuss or clutter, perfectly adapted to its customers' lives, using as here, natural materials such as rattan and braided fibers in an environment without aggression to the natural colors.