Comment pallier le manque de rangement dans un studio?
Il suffit de regarder le plan de ce studio pour remarquer que la surface dévolue aux rangements, qu'ils soient pour les vêtements ou les objets de la vie quotidienne, est très restreinte. Excepté le placard de 120cm, rien n'est prévu pour pouvoir s'organiser. Les deux solutions retenues ici ont été de poser le lit sur une estrade formée par des tiroirs de cuisine à la façade inox particulièrement esthétique, et d'installer en hauteur au dessus du canapé, d'autres caissons de cuisine blancs se confondant avec le mur afin de ranger ce qui ne sert pas souvent.
How to overcome the lack of storage in a studio?
Just look at the plan of this studio to note that the area devoted to storage, whether for clothing or objects of daily life, is very limited. Except a 120cm closet, nothing is planned to be organized. The two solutions adopted here have been, to lay the bed on a platform formed by some stainless steel front kitchen drawers particularly attractive , and install high above the sofa, other white kitchen cabinets merging with the wall to store this that isn't often used.
Just look at the plan of this studio to note that the area devoted to storage, whether for clothing or objects of daily life, is very limited. Except a 120cm closet, nothing is planned to be organized. The two solutions adopted here have been, to lay the bed on a platform formed by some stainless steel front kitchen drawers particularly attractive , and install high above the sofa, other white kitchen cabinets merging with the wall to store this that isn't often used.