Quelques jours dans une ferme anglaise (ou presque)
Soho Farmhouse est l'hôtel ouvert par Nick Jones en octobre 2015, à 90 minutes au nord ouest de Londres, et qui est un condensé de décoration rustique à l'anglaise. 40 bungalows de planches brutes ou de tôle, sont dotés de grandes terrasses face à un lac artificiel . Voici quelques images de l'intérieur d'un de ces "cottages", chacun possédant sa décoration propre que je vous invite à découvrir sur le site.
A few days in an English farm (nearly)
Soho Farmhouse is an hotel opened by Nick Jones in October 2015, 90 minutes north west of London, which is a concentration of country English decor. 40 bungalows of rough boards or sheet, have large terraces overlooking an artificial lake. Here are some images of the interior of one of these "cottages," each with its own decoration that I invite you to discover on the website.
A few days in an English farm (nearly)
Soho Farmhouse is an hotel opened by Nick Jones in October 2015, 90 minutes north west of London, which is a concentration of country English decor. 40 bungalows of rough boards or sheet, have large terraces overlooking an artificial lake. Here are some images of the interior of one of these "cottages," each with its own decoration that I invite you to discover on the website.