Détails chics à Barcelone
C'est dans le quartier du Born à Barcelone, que Nobohome a pris en charge cet appartement ancien, en lui apportant de la modernité mais en respectant ses racines datant de 1936. Les sols, les poutres se mêlent aux matériaux nobles choisis pour la rénovation, et c'est un résultat plein de personnalité qu'il nous est permis d'admirer ici.
Chic details in Barcelona
It's in the Barcelona Born district, that Nobohome took over this old apartment, bringing it to the modernity while respecting its roots dating back to 1936. The floors, the beams combine with noble materials chosen for renovation and it's a result full of personality that were are allowed to admire here.
source : Nuevo Estilo
Chic details in Barcelona
It's in the Barcelona Born district, that Nobohome took over this old apartment, bringing it to the modernity while respecting its roots dating back to 1936. The floors, the beams combine with noble materials chosen for renovation and it's a result full of personality that were are allowed to admire here.
source : Nuevo Estilo