Une maison de pierres dans la campagne espagnole
C'est dans la campagne espagnole, près de Segovie que cette vieille maison typique de la région, a été rénovée par l'architecte Ana Girod. Ses murs épais en pierre et ses poutres en bois abritent un intérieur contemporain et des technologies invisibles mais ultra modernes pour le chauffage, la rendant éco-responsable grâce à la géothermie.
A stone house in the Spanish countryside
It's in the Spanish countryside, near Segovia that this old house typical of the region, was renovated by architect Ana Girod. Its thick stone walls and wooden beams, house a contemporary interior and invisible but ultramodern technologies for heating, making it eco-friendly thanks to geothermal energy.
source : Nuevo Estilo
A stone house in the Spanish countryside
It's in the Spanish countryside, near Segovia that this old house typical of the region, was renovated by architect Ana Girod. Its thick stone walls and wooden beams, house a contemporary interior and invisible but ultramodern technologies for heating, making it eco-friendly thanks to geothermal energy.
source : Nuevo Estilo