Peut-on vivre confortablement dans un tout petit appartement?
Vivre dans un tout petit appartement, c'est le cas de nombreuses personnes seules dans les grandes villes. Et même parfois le quotidien de couples. Peut-on vivre confortablement dans ce type de surface de moins de 20 m²? (ici, 15 m²). Certainement. Pas pour toute la vie peut-être. Ne pas encombrer l'espace avec des meubles ou des objets inutiles, avoir suffisamment de rangements fermés à sa disposition, prévoir des meubles double fonction, tout est envisageable. Ici le lit est en hauteur, on triche un peu. Etant peu adepte de l'escalade, et du visage près du plafond, j'opterais pour ma part pour un lit plein de coussins, se faisant canapé le jour, et couchage la nuit. Sinon, je ne change rien, à part un peu de couleur.
Can you live comfortably in a tiny apartment?
Living in a tiny apartment, it is the case of many single people in big cities. And sometimes even the daily life of couples. Can you live comfortably in this type of surface of less than 20 m²? (Here, 15 m²). Certainly. Not for all life perhaps. Don't clutter the space with unnecessary furniture or objects, have enough closed storage at your disposal, provide dual function furniture, everything is possible. Here the bed is high, we cheat a little. Being not adept at climbing, and of my face close to the ceiling, I would opt for a bed full of cushions, sofa by day, and sleeping at night. Otherwise, I won't change anything except adding a little fo color.
Can you live comfortably in a tiny apartment?
Living in a tiny apartment, it is the case of many single people in big cities. And sometimes even the daily life of couples. Can you live comfortably in this type of surface of less than 20 m²? (Here, 15 m²). Certainly. Not for all life perhaps. Don't clutter the space with unnecessary furniture or objects, have enough closed storage at your disposal, provide dual function furniture, everything is possible. Here the bed is high, we cheat a little. Being not adept at climbing, and of my face close to the ceiling, I would opt for a bed full of cushions, sofa by day, and sleeping at night. Otherwise, I won't change anything except adding a little fo color.