Un appartement contemporain à St Petersbourg
C'est à Cartelle Design, Denis Krasikov et Anastasia Struchkova, que l'on doit ce projet d'appartement contemporain situé à St Petersbourg. Les deux talents de cette jeune entreprise russe ont comme but ultime d'ajouter de la beauté dans le monde. Joli objectif non?
A contemporary apartment in St Petersburg
Its' to Cartelle Design, Denis Krasikov and Anastasia Struchkova, that we owe this project of a contemporary apartment located in St Petersburg. The two talents of this young Russian company have as primary purpose, adding beauty to the world. Pretty objective isn't it ?
A contemporary apartment in St Petersburg
Its' to Cartelle Design, Denis Krasikov and Anastasia Struchkova, that we owe this project of a contemporary apartment located in St Petersburg. The two talents of this young Russian company have as primary purpose, adding beauty to the world. Pretty objective isn't it ?