Une yourte dans le Wyoming
Là ou on s'attend plus à voir un tipi indien qu'une habitation mongole, c'est bien dans le Wyoming que Megan s'est installée dans une yourte. Alors, bien entendu, c'est un endroit qui ressemble peu à l'habitat typique de Mongolie, et où le marbre italien ne manque pas : ce n'est pas étonnant, puisque Megan s'est spécialisée dans la ventes d'habitats légers grâce à son entreprise Little Moving Spaces, elle est donc bien informée de ce qu'il est possible d'obtenir dans ces endroits atypiques en terme de confort. Photo : Jenny Pfeiffer
A yurt in Wyoming
Where it's more expected to see an Indian tepee than a Mongolian dwelling, it's indeed in Wyoming that Megan settled in a yurt. Of course, it's a place that looks a little like the typical Mongolian habitat, and where Italian marble is not lacking: this is not surprising, since Megan is specialized in the sale of light habitats, thanks to her company Little Moving Spaces, she is therefore well informed of what it's possible to obtain in these atypical places in terms of comfort. Photo: Jenny Pfeiffer
Source : AD Magazine
A yurt in Wyoming
Where it's more expected to see an Indian tepee than a Mongolian dwelling, it's indeed in Wyoming that Megan settled in a yurt. Of course, it's a place that looks a little like the typical Mongolian habitat, and where Italian marble is not lacking: this is not surprising, since Megan is specialized in the sale of light habitats, thanks to her company Little Moving Spaces, she is therefore well informed of what it's possible to obtain in these atypical places in terms of comfort. Photo: Jenny Pfeiffer
Source : AD Magazine