Une maison sur la plage à Cape Cod
C'est à Cape Cod, une station balnéaire renommée des USA, que Sandra Cavallo, une designer, son mari et ses jumeaux, ont réalisé cette maison typique de la région, aux couleurs de la plage toute proche, idéale pour passer des vacances. Photo : Sandra Cavallo.
A house on the beach in Cape Cod
Sand Cavallo, a designer, her husband and her twins, has created this typical house of the region, in the colors of the nearby beach, which is ideal for a holiday in Cape Cod, a renowned resort in the USA. . Photo: Sandra Cavallo.
A house on the beach in Cape Cod
Sand Cavallo, a designer, her husband and her twins, has created this typical house of the region, in the colors of the nearby beach, which is ideal for a holiday in Cape Cod, a renowned resort in the USA. . Photo: Sandra Cavallo.