Un appartement vintage à Moscou
Olga Melekesceva et Maxim Samoilov-Babin, sont les deux designers russes de M2Project, qui ont pris en charge le projet de cet appartement de 56 m² à Moscou, à la décoration plutôt masculine. Le vintage sous sa forme moderne y règne, avec son mobilier confortable, et ses objets des années 70.
A vintage apartment in Moscow
Olga Melekesceva and Maxim Samoilov-Babin, are the two Russian designers from M2Project, who took charge of this 56 m² apartment project in Moscow, with rather masculine decoration. The vintage in its modern form reigns there, with its comfortable furniture, and its Seventies elements.
A vintage apartment in Moscow
Olga Melekesceva and Maxim Samoilov-Babin, are the two Russian designers from M2Project, who took charge of this 56 m² apartment project in Moscow, with rather masculine decoration. The vintage in its modern form reigns there, with its comfortable furniture, and its Seventies elements.