Couleur soleil à Barcelone
C'est le jaune associé au bleu, qui a été choisi comme fil conducteur lors de la rénovation de cet appartement à Barcelone. Cette couleur du soleil est parfaite pour se marier aux briques de cet intérieur méditerranéen, et malgré sa force, donne une décoration nuancée. Photo : L. Hausmann
Sun color in Barcelona
It's the yellow associated with the blue, which was chosen as a common thread during the renovation of this Barcelona's apartment. This sun color is perfect to marry the bricks of this Mediterranean interior, and in spite of its strength, gives it a nuanced decoration. Photo: L. Hausmann
Source : Casadiez
Sun color in Barcelona
It's the yellow associated with the blue, which was chosen as a common thread during the renovation of this Barcelona's apartment. This sun color is perfect to marry the bricks of this Mediterranean interior, and in spite of its strength, gives it a nuanced decoration. Photo: L. Hausmann
Source : Casadiez