Mais où se trouve cette maison?
En matière de design et de décoration intérieure, quand on a l'habitude de regarder de nombreuses photos, on distingue rapidement ce qui est originaire de la France, des pays scandinaves, ou du sud de l'Europe. Il existe une espèce de signature décorative propre à la plupart des pays, une façon d'utiliser la couleur et la lumière. Ici, on brouille les pistes, il est difficile en regardant les premières photos de voir où est construite cette maison. S'agit-il de la Provence ou de l'Italie, ou bien encore de l'Espagne? Une planche de surf et une végétation luxuriante aperçue à travers les fenêtres nous met sur la piste : cette maison construite par OZ Architects se situe...à Hawai. Photo : Werner Segarra
Where is this house?
In terms of design and interior design, when you are used to looking at a lot of pictures, you quickly distinguish what is from France, from Scandinavian countries, or southern Europe. There is a kind of decorative signature for most countries, a way of using color and light. Here, it's difficult to see where is built this house. Is it Provence or Italy, or even Spain? A surfboard and lush vegetation seen through the windows puts us on the track: this house built by OZ Architects is located Hawaii. Photo: Werner Segarra
Where is this house?
In terms of design and interior design, when you are used to looking at a lot of pictures, you quickly distinguish what is from France, from Scandinavian countries, or southern Europe. There is a kind of decorative signature for most countries, a way of using color and light. Here, it's difficult to see where is built this house. Is it Provence or Italy, or even Spain? A surfboard and lush vegetation seen through the windows puts us on the track: this house built by OZ Architects is located Hawaii. Photo: Werner Segarra