Méli-mélo suédois 57
Pas de méli-mélo suédois depuis 2 semaines. Au point que je me suis demandée si les Scandinaves ne s'étaient pas mis en vacances pour les Jeux Olympiques de Séoul...Mais retour en ce dimanche, pluvieux pour la plupart d'entre vous (certains au Sud - dans le vrai sud s'entend, côté Méditerranée - me diront qu'il fait beau chez eux, tant mieux!). On reste sous la couette, on regarde les jolies images, et hop c'est parti !
Swedish medley 57
No swedish medley for the last two weeks. So much so that I wondered if the Scandinavians had not gone on holiday for the Olympic Games in Seoul... But back on this Sunday, rainy for most of you (some of you in the South - in the real South in the usual sens, on the Mediterranean side - will tell me that it's nice at home, that's fine !). We stay under the duvet, look at the pretty pictures, and here we go !
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : HusmanHagberg
Source : Bosthlm
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : Entrance
Source : Bosthlm
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : Bjurfors
Source : Skandiamaklarna
Swedish medley 57
No swedish medley for the last two weeks. So much so that I wondered if the Scandinavians had not gone on holiday for the Olympic Games in Seoul... But back on this Sunday, rainy for most of you (some of you in the South - in the real South in the usual sens, on the Mediterranean side - will tell me that it's nice at home, that's fine !). We stay under the duvet, look at the pretty pictures, and here we go !
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : HusmanHagberg
Source : Bosthlm
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : Entrance
Source : Bosthlm
Source : Fastighetsbyran
Source : Bjurfors
Source : Skandiamaklarna