La maison de la baie en Tasmanie
Captains Rest est une maison située en Tasmanie. Sa décoration est faite d'une douce déclinaison de blancs et de beiges, de mobilier vintage, et d'objets au charme d'un autre temps, décrite par sa propriétaire - et on la croit sur paroles - comme un havre de paix. Cerise sur le gâteau, on peut la louer via Airbnb...
Bay home in Tasmania
Captain Rest is a house located in Tasmania. Its decoration is made of a sweet variation of white and beige, vintage furniture, and objects with the charm of another time, described by its owner - and you can take her words for it - as a haven of peace. Icing on the cake, you can rent it via Airbnb ...
Bay home in Tasmania
Captain Rest is a house located in Tasmania. Its decoration is made of a sweet variation of white and beige, vintage furniture, and objects with the charm of another time, described by its owner - and you can take her words for it - as a haven of peace. Icing on the cake, you can rent it via Airbnb ...