Une maison entourée par les caroubiers
Signée par la désigner d'intérieur anglaise Anja Peter, cette maison centenaire située à Majorque, entourée de caroubiers, est le lieu parfait pour se ressourcer. La décoration est une fusion entre les éléments traditionnels de l'île et l'esprit contemporain.
A house surrounded by carob trees
Signed by the English interior designer Anja Peter, this century-old house located in Majorca, surrounded by carob trees, is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. The decoration is a fusion between the traditional elements of the island and the contemporary spirit.
Source : Nuevo Estilo
A house surrounded by carob trees
Signed by the English interior designer Anja Peter, this century-old house located in Majorca, surrounded by carob trees, is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. The decoration is a fusion between the traditional elements of the island and the contemporary spirit.
Source : Nuevo Estilo