Minimalisme pour une maison de village
C'est la réflexion sur la lumière naturelle et artificielle qui a mené la réhabilitation minimaliste de cette maison de village à St Paul de Vence, imaginée par l'architecte Bastien Foucard. Elle rend légère ces espaces faits de voûtes, piliers et contreforts entourée des remparts historiques.
Minimalism for a village house
It was the reflection about natural and artificial light that led to the minimalist renovation of this village house in St Paul de Vence, designed by the architect Bastien Foucard. It makes light these spaces made of vaults, pillars and buttresses surrounded by historical ramparts.
Minimalism for a village house
It was the reflection about natural and artificial light that led to the minimalist renovation of this village house in St Paul de Vence, designed by the architect Bastien Foucard. It makes light these spaces made of vaults, pillars and buttresses surrounded by historical ramparts.