Un appartement rénové à l'esprit loft
C'est dans un esprit loft coloré que cet appartement parisien a été rénové par l'architecte Anne-Catherine Pierrey. La verrière séparant le salon de la chambre principale et le beau miroir Gervasoni, apportent avec leur métal noir la touche industrielle qui modernise cet appartement de 85m².
Renovated apartment with loft spirit
It is in a colorful loft spirit that this Parisian apartment was renovated by architect Anne-Catherine Pierrey. The glass partition separating the living room from the master bedroom and the beautiful Gervasoni mirror, bring with their black metal the industrial touch that modernizes this 85m² apartment.
Source : Houzz
Renovated apartment with loft spirit
It is in a colorful loft spirit that this Parisian apartment was renovated by architect Anne-Catherine Pierrey. The glass partition separating the living room from the master bedroom and the beautiful Gervasoni mirror, bring with their black metal the industrial touch that modernizes this 85m² apartment.
Source : Houzz