Design automnal en plein été
Ce design automnal et ses couleurs sombres peuvent surprendre, alors que nous sommes en plein été. Pourtant dans la déco comme dans la mode on travaille avec au moins une saison d'avance, et c'est pour cela qu'IB Laursen met déjà à notre disposition ses mises en scène de rentrée (et n'oublions pas que dans l'autre hémisphère, c'est déjà l'hiver!). De quoi voir de jolies photos et nous réjouir encore des beaux jours ! Carpediem !
Fall design in the middle of summer
This fall design and its dark colours can surprise, while we are in the middle of summer. Yet in decoration as in fashion, one works at least one season in advance, and that's why IB Laursen is already making its back-to-school staging for us (and let's not forget that in the other hemisphere, it's already winter!). What to see pretty pictures and still enjoy the beautiful days! Carpediem!
Fall design in the middle of summer
This fall design and its dark colours can surprise, while we are in the middle of summer. Yet in decoration as in fashion, one works at least one season in advance, and that's why IB Laursen is already making its back-to-school staging for us (and let's not forget that in the other hemisphere, it's already winter!). What to see pretty pictures and still enjoy the beautiful days! Carpediem!