Des maisons sur la mer
Dans chacune des trois maisons de l'hôtel Aldea Canzul, l' architecture est en connexion avec les éléments locaux et combine les styles méditerranéen et mexicain modernes. Le projet de l' architecte Steffano Schiavon mêle design, luxe et nature tropicale pour créer un endroit de rêve sur la mer.
Houses overlooking the sea
In each of the three houses of Aldea Canzul Hotel, the architecture is in connection with the local elements and combines modern Mediterranean and Mexican styles. Architect Steffano Schiavon's project blends design, luxury and tropical nature to create a dream place overlooking the sea.
Houses overlooking the sea
In each of the three houses of Aldea Canzul Hotel, the architecture is in connection with the local elements and combines modern Mediterranean and Mexican styles. Architect Steffano Schiavon's project blends design, luxury and tropical nature to create a dream place overlooking the sea.