Vue sur la mer à Chapel House
Chapel House est situé dans les Cornouailles, dans le sud de l'Angleterre. C'est un impressionnant bâtiment géorgien qui offre une vue imprenable sur la mer et a été transformé en hôtel de charme, après une rénovation complète qui a duré deux ans. Les éléments d'origine ont été soigneusement conservés, et mis en valeur par une décoration plus contemporaine. Les couleurs font référence à celles de la mer toute proche, avec l'utilisation de gris, de bleus et de verts doux.
Sea view at Chapel House
Chapel House is located in Cornwall, in the south of England. It is an impressive Georgian building that offers a breathtaking view of the sea and has been transformed into a charming hotel, after a complete renovation that lasted two years. The original elements have been carefully preserved and enhanced by a more contemporary decoration. The colours refer to those of the nearby sea, with the use of grey, blue and soft green.
Sea view at Chapel House
Chapel House is located in Cornwall, in the south of England. It is an impressive Georgian building that offers a breathtaking view of the sea and has been transformed into a charming hotel, after a complete renovation that lasted two years. The original elements have been carefully preserved and enhanced by a more contemporary decoration. The colours refer to those of the nearby sea, with the use of grey, blue and soft green.