Une maison à la personnalité unique par Intérieur Vôtre
Après plus de vingt ans à parcourir le monde en tant que consultante dans l'aide au développement puis comme chargée d'études à Paris, Barbara Chabbal a décidé d'assouvir sa passion pour le design en général, et la décoration en particulier, en s'installant en Touraine et en créant Intérieur Vôtre, une agence de décoration intérieure qui lui ressemble. C'est sa maison que je vous propose de découvrir en images - elles sont plus efficaces que les mots -, un endroit atypique, à la personnalité unique, qu'elle a entièrement décorée, et qui reflète bien son amour des belles choses et de la couleur. Photo : Caroline Gasch photographe à Tours (37). Je remercie Barbara pour ces photos, et sa confiance.
House with unique personality by Intérieur Vôtre
After more than twenty years travelling the world as a consultant in development aid and then as a consultant in Paris, Barbara Chabbal decided to satisfy her passion for design in general, and decoration in particular, by settling in Touraine and creating Intérieur Vôtre, an interior design agency that reflects her style. It is her house that I suggest you discover in images - they are more effective than words -, an atypical place, with a unique personality, which she has entirely decorated, and which a perfect reflection of her love for beautiful things and colour. Photo: Caroline Gasch photographer in Tours (37). Thank you Barbara for these photos, and your confidence.
House with unique personality by Intérieur Vôtre
After more than twenty years travelling the world as a consultant in development aid and then as a consultant in Paris, Barbara Chabbal decided to satisfy her passion for design in general, and decoration in particular, by settling in Touraine and creating Intérieur Vôtre, an interior design agency that reflects her style. It is her house that I suggest you discover in images - they are more effective than words -, an atypical place, with a unique personality, which she has entirely decorated, and which a perfect reflection of her love for beautiful things and colour. Photo: Caroline Gasch photographer in Tours (37). Thank you Barbara for these photos, and your confidence.