Une maison familiale noyée dans la verdure en Argentine
La famille qui s'est installée dans cette maison en Argentine a longtemps vécu en ville. La découverte d'un terrain verdoyant l'a incitée à faire construire cette demeure familiale et ainsi trouver la place nécessaire à l'installation des oeuvres d'art qu'elle affectionne. Caroline tient un blog de cuisine, et Juan est ingénieur.La cheminée qui sert peu dans un pays comme l'Argentine, est équipée dans le fond d'un verre thermique afin de permettre une vue sur l'extérieur, comme une fenêtre. Photo : Santiago Ciuffo
Family house in the greenery in Argentina
The family that settled in this house in Argentina has lived in the city for a long time. The discovery of a green area prompted her to build this family home and thus find the necessary space for the installation of the works of art she loves. Caroline keeps a cooking blog, and Juan is an engineer. The fireplace, which is not very often used in a country like Argentina, is equipped with a thermal glass at the bottom to allow a view of the outside, like a window. Photo: Santiago Ciuffo
Source : La Nacion
Family house in the greenery in Argentina
The family that settled in this house in Argentina has lived in the city for a long time. The discovery of a green area prompted her to build this family home and thus find the necessary space for the installation of the works of art she loves. Caroline keeps a cooking blog, and Juan is an engineer. The fireplace, which is not very often used in a country like Argentina, is equipped with a thermal glass at the bottom to allow a view of the outside, like a window. Photo: Santiago Ciuffo
Source : La Nacion