Michelle et Barack Obama passent des vacances en France dans cette sublime maison provençale
Michelle et Barack Obama vont passer une semaine de vacances dans la région d'Avignon, dans une magnifique maison provençale louée par l'entremise du Provence Poiriers.Curieux de découvrir cette propriété typique du sud de la France ? C'est par ici !
Michelle and Barack Obama spend their holidays in France in this sublime Provençal house
Michelle and Barack Obama spend their holidays in France in this sublime Provençal house
Michelle and Barack Obama will spend a week's vacation in the Avignon region, in a magnificent Provençal house rented through Provence Poiriers . Curious to discover this typical property in the south of France? It's this way!
Source : Midi Libre
Michelle and Barack Obama spend their holidays in France in this sublime Provençal house
Michelle and Barack Obama spend their holidays in France in this sublime Provençal house
Michelle and Barack Obama will spend a week's vacation in the Avignon region, in a magnificent Provençal house rented through Provence Poiriers . Curious to discover this typical property in the south of France? It's this way!
Source : Midi Libre