Un maison londonienne rénovée par un architecte
Située sur Sutton Place, un ensemble de maisons de ville géorgiennes classées, cette maison londonienne a fait l'objet d'une rénovation et d'une extension contemporaine complète menées par l'architecte Chris Dyson, lauréat de plusieurs prix. On pense que la maison date du début du 19ème siècle. Elle présente un style typiquement géorgien, avec des garde-corps en fer forgé noir, un arc en plein cintre au-dessus de la porte d'entrée et une façades en briques. Les lambris de bois d'origine, les volets, les corniches et les cadres de portes ont été conservés.
London house renovated by an architect
Located on Sutton Place, a group of listed Georgian townhouses, this London-based house has been completely renovated and extended to a contemporary style by award-winning architect Chris Dyson. It is believed that the house dates from the early 19th century. It has a typical Georgian style, with black wrought iron railings, a segmental arch above the entrance door and a brick facade. The original wooden panelling, shutters, cornices and door frames have been preserved.
London house renovated by an architect
Located on Sutton Place, a group of listed Georgian townhouses, this London-based house has been completely renovated and extended to a contemporary style by award-winning architect Chris Dyson. It is believed that the house dates from the early 19th century. It has a typical Georgian style, with black wrought iron railings, a segmental arch above the entrance door and a brick facade. The original wooden panelling, shutters, cornices and door frames have been preserved.