Une ancienne ferme entourée d'oliviers centenaires
Si cette ancienne ferme du 18ème siècle, une finca typique aux murs blancs, est entourée d'oliviers centenaires, c'est qu'elle produisait autrefois de l'huile d'olive. A Ibiza, elle a été transformée en maison de vacances à louer par ses propriétaires, qui l'ont meublée en style rustique chic avec du mobilier ramené de Bali, d'Inde et du Maroc. Répondant au nom de Can Truy, sa décoration neutre en tons de terre est reposante pour l'âme.
An ancient farm surrounded by century-old olive trees
If this old 18th century farmhouse, a typical finca with white walls, is surrounded by century-old olive trees, it is because it formerly produced olive oil. In Ibiza, it has been transformed into a holiday home for rent by its owners, who have furnished it in a rustic chic style with furniture brought back from Bali, India and Morocco. Named Can Truy, its neutral decoration in earth tones is relaxing for the soul.
An ancient farm surrounded by century-old olive trees
If this old 18th century farmhouse, a typical finca with white walls, is surrounded by century-old olive trees, it is because it formerly produced olive oil. In Ibiza, it has been transformed into a holiday home for rent by its owners, who have furnished it in a rustic chic style with furniture brought back from Bali, India and Morocco. Named Can Truy, its neutral decoration in earth tones is relaxing for the soul.