Le catalogue IKEA 2020 version France est en ligne !
Si vous avez déjà pu découvrir en avant première il y a deux semaines les premières photos du catalogue IKEA 2020, puis sa version US pour les plus impatients grâce à mes posts, vous pouvez désormais feuilleter la version française du catalogue IKEA en ligne, et savoir tout des nouveautés du Suédois ! Et en prime avoir de nouvelles photos très tentantes pour refaire votre déco !
Ikea 2020 catalogue French version is online!
If you were already able to discover the first photos of the IKEA 2020 catalogue two weeks ago, then its US version for the most impatient thanks to my posts, you can now browse the French version of the IKEA catalogue online, and know everything about the new items of the Swedish brand! And as a bonus, have some very tempting new photos to redecorate your home!
Ikea 2020 catalogue French version is online!
If you were already able to discover the first photos of the IKEA 2020 catalogue two weeks ago, then its US version for the most impatient thanks to my posts, you can now browse the French version of the IKEA catalogue online, and know everything about the new items of the Swedish brand! And as a bonus, have some very tempting new photos to redecorate your home!