Cet ancien presbytère écossais abandonné est désormais un lieu plein de charme
Dans le village écossais de Tong , un presbytère vieux de 400 ans est désormais un hôtel, le "Lundies House" qui porte le nom du moine qui l'occupait. Ce boutique hôtel a ouvert ses portes dans l'ancien domaine aujourd'hui classé, dans le nord de l'Écosse, près de la côte de Tong Bay.
Les architectes du bureau Groves-Raines Architects d'Édimbourg ont mené la transformation ce cette bâtisse en pierre abandonnée et en ont fait un hôtel moderne mais ayant conservé le charme de ses vieilles pierres.
This former abandoned Scottish presbytery is now a charming place
In the Scottish village of Tong, a 400-year-old presbytery is now a hotel, the "Lundies House", named after the monk who occupied it. This boutique hotel opened its doors in the now listed former estate in northern Scotland, near the coast of Tong Bay. The architects of Groves-Raines Architects of Edinburgh led the transformation of this abandoned stone building into a modern hotel but still with the charm of its old stones.
Les architectes du bureau Groves-Raines Architects d'Édimbourg ont mené la transformation ce cette bâtisse en pierre abandonnée et en ont fait un hôtel moderne mais ayant conservé le charme de ses vieilles pierres.
This former abandoned Scottish presbytery is now a charming place
In the Scottish village of Tong, a 400-year-old presbytery is now a hotel, the "Lundies House", named after the monk who occupied it. This boutique hotel opened its doors in the now listed former estate in northern Scotland, near the coast of Tong Bay. The architects of Groves-Raines Architects of Edinburgh led the transformation of this abandoned stone building into a modern hotel but still with the charm of its old stones.