Un Noël traditionnel sous le signe du blanc et du rouge
La marque nord américaine Pottery Barn est connue pour ses belles mises en scène de Noël traditionnelles, et ses environnements féériques. Cette année, c'est encore en blanc et rouge qu'elle enchante les fêtes de fin d'année, dans une ambiance familiale accueillante digne des meilleurs films célébrant cette période. Il ne manque aucune chaussette au dessus de la cheminée, ni aucune couronne sur la porte.
Traditional Christmas under the sign of white and red
North American brand Pottery Barn is known for its beautiful traditional Christmas displays and magical environments. This year, it is again in white and red that it enchants the end-of-year celebrations, in a welcoming family atmosphere worthy of the best films celebrating this period. No socks are missing above the fireplace, and the crown is in place on the door.
Traditional Christmas under the sign of white and red
North American brand Pottery Barn is known for its beautiful traditional Christmas displays and magical environments. This year, it is again in white and red that it enchants the end-of-year celebrations, in a welcoming family atmosphere worthy of the best films celebrating this period. No socks are missing above the fireplace, and the crown is in place on the door.