Cette ancienne usine londonienne a été transformée en une maison loft à la décoration design inspirée par la France
Lorsque Florence Robeyns a voulu déménager, c'est dans cette ancienne usine transformée en maison loft qu'elle a trouvé son bonheur dans l'est londonien. Les presque 500 m² ont été transformés en une parfaite demeure familiale à la décoration inspirée par la France, avec son canapé Mah Jong et sa cheminée design iconique. Il n'y manque rien, même pas une salle de cinéma pour se réunir et regarder des films dans les meilleures conditions qui soient.
This former London factory has been transformed into a loft house with a design decoration inspired by France.
When Florence Robeyns wanted to move, it was in this former factory transformed into a loft house that she found her happiness in East London. The almost 500 m² has been transformed into a perfect family home with a decoration inspired by France, with its Mah Jong sofa and its iconic design fireplace. There is nothing missing, not even a cinema to meet and watch films in the best possible conditions.
Source : The Modern House
This former London factory has been transformed into a loft house with a design decoration inspired by France.
When Florence Robeyns wanted to move, it was in this former factory transformed into a loft house that she found her happiness in East London. The almost 500 m² has been transformed into a perfect family home with a decoration inspired by France, with its Mah Jong sofa and its iconic design fireplace. There is nothing missing, not even a cinema to meet and watch films in the best possible conditions.
Source : The Modern House