Comment réaliser une décoration blanche et design dans un appartement familial ?
Il est toujours osé de choisir le blanc intégral pour sa décoration lorsqu'on aménage un appartement familial. Pourtant c'est parfaitement possible. Canapé déhoussable ou en simili cuir se nettoyant facilement, sols peints avec une résine résistant aux passages, murs peints qui peuvent recevoir une nouvelle couche de blanc très rapidement, voici quelques pistes si vous êtes des amoureux du blanc et que vous vivez avec des enfants, des animaux, ou tout simplement si vous ne voulez pas faire trop attention au quotidien. Dans ce bel appartement suédois, c'est en tout cas cette décoration qui a été privilégiée, en en faisant un univers totalement zen et très design.
How to achieve a white and design decoration in a family apartment?
It is always daring to choose full white for its decoration when furnishing a family apartment. Yet it is perfectly possible. Sofa with removable covers or imitation leather that is easy to clean, floors painted with a traffic resistant resin, painted walls that can receive a new coat of white very quickly, here are a few ideas if you are white lovers and you live with children, animals, or simply if you do not want to pay too much attention to everyday life. In this beautiful Swedish apartment, it is in any case this decoration which was privileged, making it a totally zen and very design universe.

How to achieve a white and design decoration in a family apartment?
It is always daring to choose full white for its decoration when furnishing a family apartment. Yet it is perfectly possible. Sofa with removable covers or imitation leather that is easy to clean, floors painted with a traffic resistant resin, painted walls that can receive a new coat of white very quickly, here are a few ideas if you are white lovers and you live with children, animals, or simply if you do not want to pay too much attention to everyday life. In this beautiful Swedish apartment, it is in any case this decoration which was privileged, making it a totally zen and very design universe.
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