Une tiny house en bois de 22m2 à installer en ville ou à la campagne
Norske Mikrohus (@norske_mikrohus), construit des tiny houses en Norvège, et présente deux modèles en bois d'une surface de 20 et 22 m² y compris la chambre loft; La surface de la petite maison est bien entendu optimisée comme l'escalier ou le côté du canapé qui intègrent des rangements. Ces petites maisons peuvent s'installer en ville ou à la campagne pour peu que vous obteniez les autorisations, et sont livrées sur le site parfois à l'aide d'une grue, ce qui représente un spectacle toujours incroyable à regarder. Vendues aux alentours de 90.000 €, elles sont dans la moyenne des prix du marché pour de telles prestations. (Je rappelle à mes lecteurs qui me font souvent la demande, que je ne vends pas les maisons et appartements présentés sur le blog, et que pour avoir toutes les informations, je leur conseille de contacter directement les fabricants et vendeurs en cliquant sur le lien en orange dans le texte).
A tiny wooden house of 22m2 to be installed in town or in the countryside.
Norske Mikrohus (@norske_mikrohus), builds tiny houses in Norway, and presents two wooden models with a surface area of 20 and 22 m² including the bedroom loft; The surface area of the small house is of course optimized as the staircase or the side of the sofa which integrate storage space. These small houses can be set up in the city or in the country if you obtain the authorizations, and are delivered to the site sometimes with the help of a crane, which is always an incredible sight to watch. Sold at around 90.000 €, they are in the average of the market prices for such services. (I remind my readers, who often ask me, that I do not sell the houses and apartments presented on the blog, and that to get all the information, I advise them to contact the manufacturers and sellers directly by clicking on the orange link in the text).
Norske Mikrohus (@norske_mikrohus), builds tiny houses in Norway, and presents two wooden models with a surface area of 20 and 22 m² including the bedroom loft; The surface area of the small house is of course optimized as the staircase or the side of the sofa which integrate storage space. These small houses can be set up in the city or in the country if you obtain the authorizations, and are delivered to the site sometimes with the help of a crane, which is always an incredible sight to watch. Sold at around 90.000 €, they are in the average of the market prices for such services. (I remind my readers, who often ask me, that I do not sell the houses and apartments presented on the blog, and that to get all the information, I advise them to contact the manufacturers and sellers directly by clicking on the orange link in the text).