Cuisine ouverte et style contemporain pour une maison de vacances avec piscine
Même si cette maison pour les vacances située au Costa Rica est de style tropical, on y retrouve une décoration contemporaine où la couleur intervient pour rappeler que nous sommes en bord de mer. Les palmiers, la piscine, la vue directe sur la mer participent à cette impression de paradis terrestre. Inspirée par l'architecture de Palm Springs, de Miami et de la Côte d'Azur, elle possède l'indispensable cuisine ouverte pour la convivialité et joue avec le teck, le béton, et le rotin, pour être facile à vivre.
Open kitchen and contemporary style for a holiday home with swimming pool
Even if this holiday home located in Costa Rica is in tropical style, it has a contemporary decoration where the colour comes in to remind us that we are by the sea. The palm trees, the swimming pool and the direct view of the sea contribute to this impression of an earthly paradise. Inspired by the architecture of Palm Springs, Miami and the French Riviera, it has the indispensable open kitchen for conviviality and plays with teak, concrete and rattan to be easy to live with.

Open kitchen and contemporary style for a holiday home with swimming pool
Even if this holiday home located in Costa Rica is in tropical style, it has a contemporary decoration where the colour comes in to remind us that we are by the sea. The palm trees, the swimming pool and the direct view of the sea contribute to this impression of an earthly paradise. Inspired by the architecture of Palm Springs, Miami and the French Riviera, it has the indispensable open kitchen for conviviality and plays with teak, concrete and rattan to be easy to live with.
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