Une maison simple et naturelle loin de tout à Joshua Tree
Il n'est plus besoin de présenter la région de Joshua Tree aux amateurs de décoration intérieure. Cet endroit dans le désert californien est réputé pour ses maisons au look bohème, à la décoration naturelle, matchant parfaitement avec l'environnement sauvage du parc national. Celle-ci ne fait pas exception à la règle. Son intérieur décontracté n'empêche pas un niveau de confort auquel on est habitué au quotidien. Le soir, le ciel étoilé est à vous, et en journée, le calme qui y règne est propice à la sérénité. Vous pouvez la louer sur Airbnb en cliquant sur ce lien.
Simple and natural home away from it all in Joshua Tree
There is no longer any need to introduce the Joshua Tree area to interior design enthusiasts. This place in the Californian desert is famous for its bohemian-looking houses with natural decoration, perfectly matching the wild environment of the national park. This one is no exception to the rule. Its relaxed interior does not prevent a level of comfort that we are used to everyday. In the evening, the starry sky is yours, and during the day, the calm that reigns there is conducive to serenity. You can rent it on Airbnb by clicking on this link.
Simple and natural home away from it all in Joshua Tree
There is no longer any need to introduce the Joshua Tree area to interior design enthusiasts. This place in the Californian desert is famous for its bohemian-looking houses with natural decoration, perfectly matching the wild environment of the national park. This one is no exception to the rule. Its relaxed interior does not prevent a level of comfort that we are used to everyday. In the evening, the starry sky is yours, and during the day, the calm that reigns there is conducive to serenity. You can rent it on Airbnb by clicking on this link.