La rénovation d'une maison par sa propriétaire designer en Argentine
Catalina Gallo, designer d'intérieur, et son mari, Benjamin Powell, ont rénové cette maison en Argentine, après avoir vécu dans un appartement de 40m2 pendant six ans. Elle était en piteux état, mais ils en ont tout de suite deviné le potentiel. Grâce à l'expérience acquise dans leur travail, ils ont trouvé des solutions ingénieuses et économiques pour mener à bien cette tâche avec l'aide d'un maçon, et la maison désormais ressemble à ce qu'ils sont dans la vie avec sa décoration chaleureuse et personnifiée. Photo : Magali Saberian
Renovation of a house by its owner designer in Argentina
Interior designer Catalina Gallo and her husband, Benjamin Powell, have renovated this house in Argentina, after living in a 40m2 flat for six years. It was in poor condition, but they immediately saw its potential. Thanks to the experience they had gained in their work, they found ingenious and economical solutions to carry out the task with the help of a builder, and the house now reflects what they are like in life with its warm and personalized decoration. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion
Renovation of a house by its owner designer in Argentina
Interior designer Catalina Gallo and her husband, Benjamin Powell, have renovated this house in Argentina, after living in a 40m2 flat for six years. It was in poor condition, but they immediately saw its potential. Thanks to the experience they had gained in their work, they found ingenious and economical solutions to carry out the task with the help of a builder, and the house now reflects what they are like in life with its warm and personalized decoration. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion