La rénovation d'une ancienne ferme en Argentine
A la campagne près de Buenos Aires, en Argentine, cette ancienne ferme a été rénovée par ses propriétaires qui lui ont donné un intérieur lumineux grâce à l'ouverture de nouvelles fenêtres et le choix d'une décoration basée sur des murs blancs et un sol clair. Le bois vient compléter le tableau avec son aspect chaleureux et patiné, donnant à cette maison une atmosphère accueillante et rassurante pour la famille qui l'occupe désormais. Photo : Daniel Karp
Renovation of a former farmhouse in Argentina
In the countryside near Buenos Aires, Argentina, this former farmhouse has been renovated by its owners, who have given it a bright interior thanks to the opening of new windows and the choice of decoration based on white walls and light-coloured flooring. Wood completes the picture with its warm and patinated aspect, giving this house a welcoming and reassuring atmosphere for the family that now lives there. Photo: Daniel Karp
Source : La Nacion

Renovation of a former farmhouse in Argentina
In the countryside near Buenos Aires, Argentina, this former farmhouse has been renovated by its owners, who have given it a bright interior thanks to the opening of new windows and the choice of decoration based on white walls and light-coloured flooring. Wood completes the picture with its warm and patinated aspect, giving this house a welcoming and reassuring atmosphere for the family that now lives there. Photo: Daniel Karp
Source : La Nacion
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