Un Noël simple et naturel à la danoise
Même si la fête d'Halloween n'est pas encore passée, on songe plus dans notre vieille Europe à celle de Noël, plus traditionnelle chez nous. Le fêterez-vous cette année à la danoise, dans un style simple proche de la nature et ses merveilles, comme nous le suggère la marque IB Laursen? Inspirez-vous !
Simple and natural Danish-style Christmas
Even if Halloween hasn't passed yet, in our old Europe we think more about Christmas, which is more traditional in our countries. Will you be celebrating it this year in the Danish way, in a simple style close to nature and its wonders, as suggested by the IB Laursen brand? Get inspired!
Simple and natural Danish-style Christmas
Even if Halloween hasn't passed yet, in our old Europe we think more about Christmas, which is more traditional in our countries. Will you be celebrating it this year in the Danish way, in a simple style close to nature and its wonders, as suggested by the IB Laursen brand? Get inspired!