Un appartement en duplex aux couleurs naturelles
Dans cet appartement suédois en duplex, la décoration naturelle vient apporter son côté chaleureux à un espace baigné de lumière grâce à de grandes fenêtres aux dimensions inhabituelles. La chambre unique a été installée au niveau supérieur, et une cloison vitrée l'isole phoniquement toutefois sans entraver la circulation du flot lumineux et la vue sur l'espace jour.
Duplex flat in natural colours
In this Swedish duplex flat, the natural decoration brings its warmth to a space bathed in light thanks to large windows with unusual dimensions. The single bedroom has been installed on the upper level, and a glass partition wall insulates it soundproof but without hindering the flow of light and the view of the day space.

Duplex flat in natural colours
In this Swedish duplex flat, the natural decoration brings its warmth to a space bathed in light thanks to large windows with unusual dimensions. The single bedroom has been installed on the upper level, and a glass partition wall insulates it soundproof but without hindering the flow of light and the view of the day space.
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