IKEA vient de concevoir sa propre tiny house de 17m2
Ikea surfe sur la vague tiny house et s'est associé à Vox Media et Curbed pour concevoir sa propre mini maison de 17m². Elle est bien sûr meublée avec des éléments Ikea, qui est depuis longtemps passé maître dans l'aménagement des petits espaces, mais également équipée de façon à être autonome, grâce à des panneaux solaires. Elle se veut le plus écologique possible, et sa cuisine est équipée à partir de modules fabriquées avec des bouteilles en plastique recyclées. Si vous souhaitez la découvrir un peu plus, une visite à 360° est disponible en cliquant sur ce lien. La tiny est construite sur la base d'une Vista Boho XL de Escape Traveler vendue environ 60.000 € sans les équipements IKEA.
Ikea has just designed its own 17m2 tiny house.
Ikea is following the tiny house trend and has teamed up with Vox Media and Curbed to design its own 17m² mini house. It is, of course, furnished with Ikea elements, who has long been a master in the design of small spaces, but also equipped to be autonomous, thanks to solar panels. It aims to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and its kitchen is equipped with modules made from recycled plastic bottles. If you would like to discover it a little more, a 360° tour is available by clicking on this link. The tiny is built on the basis of a Vista Boho XL from Escape Traveler sold for around The tiny is based on a Vista Boho XL from Escape Traveler, which sells for about €60,000 without the IKEA equipment.

Ikea has just designed its own 17m2 tiny house.
Ikea is following the tiny house trend and has teamed up with Vox Media and Curbed to design its own 17m² mini house. It is, of course, furnished with Ikea elements, who has long been a master in the design of small spaces, but also equipped to be autonomous, thanks to solar panels. It aims to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and its kitchen is equipped with modules made from recycled plastic bottles. If you would like to discover it a little more, a 360° tour is available by clicking on this link. The tiny is built on the basis of a Vista Boho XL from Escape Traveler sold for around The tiny is based on a Vista Boho XL from Escape Traveler, which sells for about €60,000 without the IKEA equipment.
