Lumière et couleurs d'automne dans une maison aux Pays-Bas
La lumière de l'automne est doucement filtrée par les rideaux qui habillent les fenêtres de cette maison aux Pays-Bas. Les murs du salon ont conservé les briques brutes qui ont été blanchies. Les couleurs sont assorties à la saison, du blanc au brun plus sombre, donnant une atmosphère très relaxante et chaleureuse malgré un dépouillement relatif. Un endroit idéal pour profiter de son week-end, n'est-ce pas? Stylisme Danielle Verheul | Photographie Alexander van Berge
Autumn colours and light in a house in the Netherlands
The autumn light is gently filtered through the curtains that cover the windows of this house in the Netherlands. The walls of the living room have kept the raw bricks that have been bleached. The colours are seasonally assorted, from white to darker brown, giving a very relaxing and warm atmosphere despite relative simplicity. An ideal place to enjoy your weekend, isn't it? Stylism Danielle Verheul | Photography Alexander van Berge
Source : VT Wonen

Autumn colours and light in a house in the Netherlands
The autumn light is gently filtered through the curtains that cover the windows of this house in the Netherlands. The walls of the living room have kept the raw bricks that have been bleached. The colours are seasonally assorted, from white to darker brown, giving a very relaxing and warm atmosphere despite relative simplicity. An ideal place to enjoy your weekend, isn't it? Stylism Danielle Verheul | Photography Alexander van Berge
Source : VT Wonen
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