Une cuisine au charme bucolique dans la campagne anglaise
Lorsque Chris et son mari sont revenus en Angleterre après de nombreuses années d'expatriation, ils ont acheté une vieille bâtisse dans les Cotswolds, la campagne anglaise, pour y créer leur maison de famille. Et c'est là qu'ils ont demandé à la marque anglaise Neptune de leur réaliser leur cuisine, à la bucolique teinte bleu vert, avec un aspect rustique, mais pratique comme peuvent l'être les cuisines actuelles. Une belle réussite non?
Kitchen with bucolic charm in the English countryside
When Chris and her husband returned to England after many years of expatriation, they bought an old property in the Cotswolds, the English countryside, to create their family home. There they asked the English brand Neptune to create their kitchen, in a bucolic blue-green colour, with a rustic look, but as practical as today's kitchens can be. A great success, isn't it?

Kitchen with bucolic charm in the English countryside
When Chris and her husband returned to England after many years of expatriation, they bought an old property in the Cotswolds, the English countryside, to create their family home. There they asked the English brand Neptune to create their kitchen, in a bucolic blue-green colour, with a rustic look, but as practical as today's kitchens can be. A great success, isn't it?
Shop the look !

