Une maison de ville anglaise à la décoration patinée
Construite en 1729 cette maison de ville a été et entièrement rénovée et reconfigurée ces dernières années, par l'équipe d' architectes de Mosley & Mann. Elle a conservé bon nombre de ses caractéristiques géorgiennes d'origine et possède deux terrasses privées sur le toit avec une vue sur Londres. La décoration intérieure expose les poutres et les briques anciennes, patinées, et les mélange aux apports plus contemporains. Les parquets et les cheminées datant de l'époque de la construction de la maison ont été également soigneusement conservés.
English town house with a patinated decoration
Built in 1729 this town house has been completely renovated and reconfigured in recent years by the Mosley & Mann architectural team. It has retained many of its original Georgian features and has two private roof terraces with views over London. The interior decoration features antique beams and bricks with a patina and mixes them with more contemporary additions. The parquet floors and fireplaces dating from the time the house was built have also been carefully preserved.

English town house with a patinated decoration
Built in 1729 this town house has been completely renovated and reconfigured in recent years by the Mosley & Mann architectural team. It has retained many of its original Georgian features and has two private roof terraces with views over London. The interior decoration features antique beams and bricks with a patina and mixes them with more contemporary additions. The parquet floors and fireplaces dating from the time the house was built have also been carefully preserved.
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