Couleurs du printemps
Dans le vieux village de pêcheurs de Styrsös sur l'île du même nom, au coeur de l'archipel suédois au sud de Göteborg, que l'on atteint après une traversée en ferry, se trouve cette maison en bois qui donne sur l'eau et dont l'intérieur se pare des couleurs vives du printemps.
Colors of Spring
In the old fishermen's village of Styrsös on the island of the same name, in the heart of the Swedish archipelago at the south of Gothenburg, which is reached after a ferry ride, there is a wooden house overlooking the water and which interior avoids bright colors of spring.
source : Stadshem
Colors of Spring
In the old fishermen's village of Styrsös on the island of the same name, in the heart of the Swedish archipelago at the south of Gothenburg, which is reached after a ferry ride, there is a wooden house overlooking the water and which interior avoids bright colors of spring.
source : Stadshem