45m² en Suède
Encore une preuve que les scandinaves savent parfaitement exploiter les petites surfaces, comme s'ils repoussaient les murs. Ce ravissant appartement de 45m² a privilégié la zone de réception en réservant la partie congrue à la zone nuit. Mais qui s'en plaindrait?
45sqm in Sweeden
An another proof that the Scandinavian know perfectly how to exploit the small spaces, as if they pushed the walls. This charming apartment of only 45m ² has favored the reception area by reserving just a little space for the sleeping area. But who's complaining?
source : Bovision
45sqm in Sweeden
An another proof that the Scandinavian know perfectly how to exploit the small spaces, as if they pushed the walls. This charming apartment of only 45m ² has favored the reception area by reserving just a little space for the sleeping area. But who's complaining?
source : Bovision