Un duplex plein de lumière
Cet appartement lumineux situé à Stockholm est l'exemple type de l'intérieur scandinave, murs blancs et sols clairs, couleurs apportées par les tissus, mélange de meubles anciens et contemporains, raffinement extrême sous des dehors décontractés.
A duplex full of light
This bright apartment located in Stockholm is a typical example of the Scandinavian interior, white walls and floors, colors brought by fabrics, a mix of antique and contemporary furniture, highly refined under casual aspects.
source : Stadshem
A duplex full of light
This bright apartment located in Stockholm is a typical example of the Scandinavian interior, white walls and floors, colors brought by fabrics, a mix of antique and contemporary furniture, highly refined under casual aspects.
source : Stadshem