Esprit suédois sous les toits
Dans cet appartement suédois, la géométrie de la propriété d'origine a été exploitée à son maximum, dans un mélange alliant escaliers contemporains et garde-corps en métal, murs ultra blancs, bois et éclairage naturel, pour une ambiance typiquement scandinave.
Swedish spirit in the attic
In this Swedish apartment , the geometry of the original property has been exploited to its maximum, in a mixture combining contemporary staircases and railings, metal, ultra white walls, wood and natural light for a typically Scandinavian feel.
source : Casavogue
Swedish spirit in the attic
In this Swedish apartment , the geometry of the original property has been exploited to its maximum, in a mixture combining contemporary staircases and railings, metal, ultra white walls, wood and natural light for a typically Scandinavian feel.
source : Casavogue