Un appartement dans la vieille ville de Valence
"Jose et moi nous nous sommes rencontrés à l'école", raconte Isabell. Nous rêvions de vivre ici mais nous ne pensions pas que le rêve deviendrait réalité un jour."cAvant eux, des squatters vivaient dans l'appartement alors il a fallu rénover l'appartement de fond en comble.. "Notre intention n'était pas de créer un style aussi minimaliste et contemporain", explique Isabel. "Mais quand nous sommes arrivés, l'appartement était si bariolé que je n'avais qu'une envie: tout repeindre en blanc"
An apartment in old city of Valencia
'Jose and I met at school,' says Isabel. 'It was our dream to live here but we never thought it would come true.' Squatters had previously lived in the couple's apartment, so everything from the doors to the bathroom needed replacing.'We didn’t mean for the house to end up so minimal and modern,' says Isabel. 'But because it was so colourful, I wanted to paint it white"
source : Ikea family live
An apartment in old city of Valencia
'Jose and I met at school,' says Isabel. 'It was our dream to live here but we never thought it would come true.' Squatters had previously lived in the couple's apartment, so everything from the doors to the bathroom needed replacing.'We didn’t mean for the house to end up so minimal and modern,' says Isabel. 'But because it was so colourful, I wanted to paint it white"
source : Ikea family live