Des blogs...une thématique : Escalier noir pour maison scandinave
L'élément fort de cette maison danoise est sans conteste l'escalier peint en noir devenu un élément graphique dans cette maison aux murs très blancs. Cette non couleur se retrouve dans presque toutes les pièces de la maison et particulièrement sur le splendide paravent de la chambre principale.
Cet article est relatif au thème "noir" abordé aujourd'hui par les blogs suivants
Blueberry home - Frenchy fancy - For-interieur - Moodys home - Silence on decore -
The blog deco -Turbulences-deco
Black staircase for Scandinavian house
The strong element of this Danish home is undoubtedly the painted black staircase which became a graphic element in this house with very white walls. This not color is present in almost rooms of the house and especially in the master bedroom with the splendid screen
This article deals with the theme "black" today approached in the following blogs
Blueberry home - Frenchy fancy - For-interieur - Moodys home - Silence on decore -
The blog deco -Turbulences-deco
Cet article est relatif au thème "noir" abordé aujourd'hui par les blogs suivants
Blueberry home - Frenchy fancy - For-interieur - Moodys home - Silence on decore -
The blog deco -Turbulences-deco
Black staircase for Scandinavian house
The strong element of this Danish home is undoubtedly the painted black staircase which became a graphic element in this house with very white walls. This not color is present in almost rooms of the house and especially in the master bedroom with the splendid screen
This article deals with the theme "black" today approached in the following blogs
Blueberry home - Frenchy fancy - For-interieur - Moodys home - Silence on decore -
The blog deco -Turbulences-deco